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Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day

Memorial Day -

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
George Orwell

Once upon a time it was the first long weekend of the summer.  The beaches officially opened,  bbq's were cleaned and fired up, friends made plans .. 3 days off !!  There were parades, I participated when I was younger - my gymnastics team was always pressed into it - the participation was fun.. but there was no further meaning other then I got to do flips on the back of a truck for a few miles.

Last year was my first Memorial day as a military family member.  I did my usual thing - went for the weekend to a friends place in a small town in  upstate NY.  We decided to go to the town parade - I still gave it no further thought until ... the tractor/floats started coming down the road with support our troops signs.   I was standing there cheering with the crowd when all of a sudden tears started pouring down my face.   Here I was in a festive, happy atmosphere and crying.   It hit me then - Memorial day was more then just a day for bbqs.  Those 'troops' that the signs were imploring we support, the fallen they asked us to remember ... these were my Marine and my friends sons and daughters.  They were not just faceless, nameless vague entities known to most as 'troops' - I knew their faces, I know their names  - they are our sons, daughters, husbands, wives, fiances, girlfriends, boyfriends, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, grandchildren, friends, neighbors - they are America's youth.  who are willing to put their lives on the line to protect Americans so that they can have their bbq's and parades.   The full force of it just hit me then and, to be frank, the emotion I felt took me by surprise.   I was crying for the fallen but more so, I was crying from PRIDE.

So, yes, Memorial Day no longer is just a 3 day weekend, it's not only a bbq and beach day.  It has taken on it's true meaning for me.   But, I am not angry that the larger part of our population in the US doesn't realize it, or acknowledge that.   They are living the reason that our troops are fighting - for family, for small and big town America to be able to go about their days without worry and terror.

So I will attend my usual round of beginning of summer bbq's, I will smile and for some moments bask in the bliss that stems from it just being a 3 day weekend.

BUT I will wear my nephew is a Marine T shirt, I will remember those that have made the ultimate sacrifice, those that were injured, those that are over seas now, those that are going and those that just returned.   I will say a  prayer for all of our family's - the silent ranks - for we deserve to be remembered as well.  I will say a prayer for peace of mind and heart for Gold Star family's who are visiting a grave site instead of going to the beach.   I will go to the parade and be volunteer at it - my presence and pride will gently remind people of the true meaning of the day.

But I will also be happy participating in the more frivolous parts of the weekend,  for me -  the small pleasures and freedom to take part in them are what the fight is also about. 

If you happen to meet a service member, retired or active, thank them - tell them we appreciate what they do.

For all our Gold Star and Purple Star family's - know a grateful nation remembers

For all the Fallen and Wounded Warriors  - we thank you for your service and sacrifice and we will never forget you.

Sleep well America, A Marine has my heart and he has your back!

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