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Sunday, May 16, 2010

See no Evil, Hear no Evil.....

I heard the news today oh boy........

Ah the news,  I never realized just how bombarded we are these days by information and 'news' until I started trying to avoid it.  Newspapers, magazines, TV, internet, email accounts, in NYC you can't even have a cab ride without the news flashing on the screen built into the seat back.   It's everywhere you turn.

Yes, I admit it, at one point in time I was a news junkie. I was very well informed on a variety of topics, could hold my own at dinner parties, business functions - just about any social event I found myself at.

Then came boot camp and much to my surprise, and dismay, the news was no longer my friend.   The first time the news of a fallen hero flashed across the screen I was shocked at my reaction.  It was a visceral reaction - not just tears.  The news touched me in a different way.  It was a very real and terrifying moment for me.   It was no longer a face and a name to which I gave a quick thank you in my heart and a sad moment of thought for his/her family.   It affected me down deep in my soul.  Though I didn't know this warrior I knew his family... not personally... but oh yes I knew them.  And I knew him.. again.. not personally but he was the face of everyone of our sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, wives, husbands, fiances, loved one!!   The random nature of how and when and if they can be taken from us was driven home that day.  The unavoidable reality of this can happen to me and you and anyone I care about now hit me like a sledgehammer.   I couldn't shake the funk for a few days, then of course, had a long talk with myself.   I couldn't live in the day to day fear so ... voila ... stop watching the news!

But , can we really sit like the monkeys in that old saying.. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil?   Of course not, though how I wish we can.   Again, the reality of the life we are now living is unavoidable.

Each time I read about a loss of life or a wounded warrior a little piece of my heart breaks.  I feel, on a level that even I sometimes don't understand, for the family that is now left to deal with the loss or the injury.   I am amazed at the strength exhibited by both the family  and the injured.  I am stunned by the depth of commitment when I read about the wounded that are driven by the need to heal so they can get back to their units. I am awestruck by the outpouring of humanity and kindness from strangers.   I look a the videos and pictures of streets lined by people and flags, they are there to let the family know... this was not in vain, it is not taken for granted ... we thank them for their service ... we appreciate the sacrifice.   We pray for safe returns and for peace of mind.

So I try to filter the news that I allow into my world. Am I completely successful? Of course not.

There are news stories that I need to read, there is a larger world out there that I have to be aware of.  There are events that I would be remiss if I didn't follow.  I can't live in happy ignorance.  There are happenings that can effect my Marine as well that I should keep abreast of.  But, well, some days... I'll take a good rerun at 6 Pm, thank you very much, over nightly news.
There is a certain amount of reality that I feel I need to allow in because it is just that - reality. But, for the day to day bombardment - yes I filter.

I do wish that the news we see from Afghanistan also include the effort made to engage the populace.  The stories of education on growing different crops.  The 'good' works that our servicemen and women also do.   But for now,  I search out the small things that bring me joy, that give the world color.  I notice a sunset, a new puppy, how a baby's grin can make it all okay.  I try to fill my life with living, breathing reasons to smile.

For my non military friends... so... no I haven't suddenly become uninformed, ignorant of world news and politics.. I just some weeks.. have to be.  It's mental survival. 

Call it avoidance, call it putting my head in the sand, call it what you will.  I call it living.

1 comment:

  1. They are burying a Maine Marine today....and our hearts are crushed alittle more...Mental survival is the only choice.. I am working two jobs to keep physcially consumed...Love you my friend!


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