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Friday, May 28, 2010

Heroes in Heaven

Heroes in Heaven
by Janet A. Norwood

Heaven’s full of heroes
who sacrificed their lives
in service to our Country
so that Liberty survives.

Uniforms of blue or gray,
khaki or olive green;
skin of every color;
young and old and in between.

They fought in many places –
spanning history and time.
Flags wave in their honor still;
in tribute, church bells chime.

In cornfields of America
or on Europe’s distant shore;
Pacific island paradise
or Chosin Reservoir.

In blowing desert sands,
or in jungles’ stifling heat,
on Navy ships or in the air,
or Fallujah’s dusty streets.

It doesn’t matter where they fell
or if we know each name.
What matters is to know that
when their Nation called, they came.

Grateful for their service,
for the precious blood they spilled;
for their sacrifice and courage,
and the duty they fulfilled.

Yes, heaven’s full of heroes –
now part of history.
We treasure what they gave to us –
The Gift of Liberty.

© Janet Aston Norwood, Gold Star Mother of Sgt Byron W. Norwood, USMC
KIA Fallujah, Iraq – 13 November 2004
Dedicated to all of our Fallen Heroes since the beginning of American History
and to each of their Gold Star Mothers

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