When speaking to various friends who are wives, girlfriends or moms it seemed to be the recurring theme. That's not to say they are all tighter then a clam when it comes to communicating, but more often then not.. yep they are.
Recently, while in Jacksonville, NC, 2 of my friends struck up a conversation with a young Marine at the pool. I walked over, okay swam over, and listened to him explain in depth his job, how he trains, and ... brace yourselves... how he feels! He is talking about feelings??
After listening for some time I asked a simple question, " How much of this does your Mom know?" This lovely young Marine smiled at me and said, "Oh I don't tell my Mom anything! She doesn't need to know this she'd worry!". Now mind you, my 2 friends are both Moms and there he was, opening up and just spilling secrets... but it wasn't HIS Mom so the filter was off. He was very patient, completely engaged in the conversation. He was anxious to put their minds at ease by actually explaining things. We, like travelers lost in the desert and stumbling upon a water hole, greedily lapped up all he had to say.
Then there are also things that maybe we are better off not knowing. It's hard to understand the mentality that now governs their lives. Someone is being 'mean' to our loved one and we want to make it right. Well, we can't. It's time to sit back and let them figure it out on their own. This is their reality, this is their life and we can't fix things.
That's truly the hard part about details, sometimes too much information is as bad as too little. Be careful what you wish for in a way.. because once you know something you now have to live with the knowledge and in some cases have no where to go with it.
So tread softly, pull back a little, they want to own this part of their life.
They also want to protect us from worry, which of course, breeds super worry but they don't get that. Remember, you are not alone, it is not just your kid being stingy with information.
And when all else fails, remember the secret, the buddy system, it works!
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