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Monday, June 7, 2010

the epic battle

I had something happen last night in the boot camp chat room and it's not the first time, will not be the last time and upsets me each time it happens.

The great mom vs girlfriend/wife struggle.

People!!! Please stop!!!!!  This isn't a contest, it's not a debate, it's apples and oranges really.

It's also something I hear after boot camp, recurring during leave and liberty. But , probably due to the emotions of boot camp - it's more prevalent there.  

Parents lamenting that the 'wife/girlfriend' gets more letters, the 'wife/girlfriend' got the phone call.   Wives/Girlfriends complaining that the 'mom' won't let her son grow up, the 'mom' expects to come first.   My least favorite ... the "I'm going to get that first hug on Family Day".   OH STOP IT!  this isn't a race to the death, it's NOT about us... it's NOT about who's first or last - it's about THEM!  Do you really think that the first hug means more to your newly graduated Marine then the 2nd, 3rd or last one?  Absolutely not - he just cares that all the people he loves are there and hugging him.   Does he love you more if you get the first hug ... really??? 

Our job as loved ones is to create a calm atmosphere for our recruit/new Marine.  They don't want the angst and anxiety of an epic emotional struggle.  It's not fair to put them in that position.  We learned this in kindergarten and it's one of the best lessons life teaches us .. Share, be generous - it will make it all much easier in the long run.  

If you get a letter, share it with the 'other' woman in his life.   When they go off to boot camp it's emotionally wrenching for all concerned.  You don't miss him more, you miss him differently.  Parents miss their sons, their presence in their homes, Girlfriends/wives miss their partners.    Yes sometimes we feel they have not made the right choice - but - they have made a choice to be with this person and nothing will change that.   No not all g/f's or wives are cut out to be with someone in the military, again that's a learning process that has to be worked out by them.  Certainly our telling them it's not the right person isn't going to change it!   Use the 3 months to forge a relationship with each other ... you may think you have nothing in common - but in reality you have something huge in common - your recruit and missing them.  Relationships are begun with much less then that at their foundations.  As a Mom - consider that this person is someone your son/daughter loves and cares about - As a girlfriend/wife remember that the Mom carried your loved one for 9 months, raised them and now had to watch them go off to do something terrifying.  Be sympathetic.   Plan a lunch, go out for coffee - one thing's for sure .. neither of you will tire of talking or hearing about your recruit.  Girlfriends - you may learn something about the boy that was - Mom's you may learn something about the man that is.

It can be so easy or made to be so hard.   If you keep the thought that whatever you do here is for your recruit/Marine it makes it more palpable.  You don't want your new Marine, home on boot leave, to have to start making choices about who to spend time with.  Plan dinners and invite the girlfriend/wife.  Include each other.   If you're the girlfriend, remember someone else loves this man, make sure you go to his parents house and he spends time with them too. 

I have had the pleasure of witnessing a mom and a girlfriend who have done all of the above.   Their Marine is not the only one that benefits - they realize that they do to.   He knows that the women in his life have united, are there for each other and respect his feelings towards both of them.   It makes leave easier - he isn't torn and feeling like he's disappointing people, precious time isn't spent arguing over it.   They have found that talking to each other makes them feel closer to him, they lean on each other for support - which they can give each other in a way no one else can.

I know there are situations that make any of the above almost impossible, there are possessive moms, selfish girlfriends.  I'm just asking that you all try, put the bad feelings that may exist from the past aside, this is a new beginning for everyone and we all need people to help along the way.  If for no other reason - do it for the one you both love... he'll be thankful for it.


  1. OH Randi. I'm guilty guilty of being the WIFE that was a stickler for the first hug (I'll blame the pregnancy hormones). I even threatened to throw down with his Momma if she dared get in my way.

    Now, other than that I -tried- to be friendly. I -tried- to share, but this particular MIL was not havin' it and ignored me and even told -Husband- that I didn't want anything to do with her and tried to sabotage his boot leave , so I gave up.

    Now that boot camp is an -almost- distant memory, we're still having it out with his Mom.

    My advice to any 'Wife/Girlfriend/Significant other' to any new Marine is try, try & try again. Whether it works out is up to ALL parties involved, but just show that -YOU- are doing -your- part by trying. Nagging sure as crap doesn't do any good and neither does just ignoring the other person. We all have to remember that no matter what the 'Mom' will always be around, whether she lives with you or she's hundreds of miles away. They may not be the topic of daily conversation, but the sons DO think about their Mommies, regardless if we like them or not.

    This blog reminded me of the good (and bad) ol' days. =]

  2. Syd - the 'we in the 3rd paragraph is the most important... You are not making it a struggle, you have tried,, she is and He knows it. that's what's important. Thanks for speaking from your point of view .. this is an issue that isn't easy and certainly isn't going away - sorta like moms :)

  3. VERY WELL STATED..'nuff said! Now let's start cooperating with each other for the purpose of keeping our recruit and Marine happy and focused on what he needs to do best....HIS JOB...not our happiness!

  4. well said, Randi! I was lucky enough to be able to have a wonderful relationship with the girlfriend, now wife of my son. She is now the daughter that I never had! It would have caused so much stress on all of us to not get along! I have cherished every moment that she shares with me about her life with my son. I am truly blessed.

  5. I was lucky enough that there was no girlfriend during Boot. I did get the first hug at Liberty Freedom and shared it with my Marines 3 year old nephew. When the Marines were dismissed at graduation I stood in the stands and took it all in. He had family and friends that had not gotten to be at Family Day and had not had a hug. I got my hug and you are right it still felt just as good. Marines are big enough for all....

  6. My Marine deployed in Janurary and I learned he was married on my answering machine ..he left the country for 7 months and didn't even give us a goodbye I have still be trying to e-mail my new daughter-in-law to say I hope she is ok and doing well with very little response ...So sometime's the high road is a very lonely place and a very sad place but I can look my son in the eye and tell him I did not treat anyone badly or disrespectfully and when he comes home I will stand in that line and then he will need to have a talk with his wife to ask her to do the same for his mother ...thats all I need is to know he is ok and happy !! I don't need to control his world I just need to be a part of it! I love my mother-in-law and treat her the way I would want to be treated and that is all I ever need from anyone... I don't mind to post my name I just have never posted here like this and have none of the opitions so My name is Tabby I'm not trying to hide who I am

  7. And the sad thing is I don't even know my so new bride! (


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