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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

NC Here we come.............

Woo Hoo ... packing, printing, last minute details ... very busy day here .  Getting ready for the weekend.  A reunion of sorts, a meeting and greeting of new and old friends.   A chance to put a name with a face, to deepen the bonds that in some cases exist only through a facebook or other online connection.  Yes folks, a group of Marine loved ones are descending upon Jacksonville, NC  to laugh, to talk, to share our experience to date and yes, probably to cry a little, but most importantly, to connect.   

I received this in an email this morning from a Marine Mom who I consider to be a good friend -

Well I was asked such a ridiculous question this week....."You are going off with strangers?" reply.."No, I am going to be with my buddies" :)

Perfect answer in it's simplicity!!!!!!!  It's so hard to explain the bonds that are formed with others that have traveled the boot camp, combat training, MOS and then finally PDS road with you.   Along the way I've virtually and personally developed relationships,  who have become acquaintances or friends,  all forged in the trenches of surviving the unknown together.    In some cases I have revealed a more vulnerable 'me' with these buddies then with some life long friends.   There is something about sharing the fear or terror... the sadness and the triumph... in an anonymous setting such as online that frees one up to be more honest about their feelings.  Maybe it's in the comfort of realizing that there will be no ridicule, no judgement - you're preaching to the choir.  At one point or another we've all felt it, we all understand it and we know .. we just know.

In the course of time these relationships have widened so that now they also include our non military life, birthdays, promotions, weddings - sharing the day to day of our lives.  Our commonality began with our Marines but has now moved to friendships in every sense of the word. And I can't wait!!!

Some of the woman that I will see this weekend have been in my life now for over a year, we met during boot camp, we saw each other at our first meet and greet and then again at MCT graduation.  Each of our Marines took a different path to get where we are today,  some had long schools, some are infantry, some have deployed and some are gearing up... it's all different yet oddly, all the same.  Luckily a lot of our Marines are stationed at Camp LeJeune, so now we get to meet again, a little over a year later to reinforce and deepen the bonds..   Some that will be there this weekend I have never met in person and am equally excited to see them.   You can never have too many people to turn to in times of joy and distress  and everything in between.   So we'll break out the wine, dance to some music, tell stories that will make us laugh, share care package ideas and meet each others Marines. All the while knowing deep down that we are lucky to have found these buddies.

I can't help but wonder how difficult this was pre - internet, without the ability to search out and meet others walking the path.  I am so glad that I have had this medium and the opportunity to meet some wonderful and interesting people through it.  

This is a weekend to celebrate that ... and be oh so thankful for it as well. 

It's hug a Marine Day May 1st - look out Jacksonville .. here we come !

1 comment:

  1. You'll have to do double hugging for me on Saturday. I don't think Mr. Marine will find it amusing for me to hug others.


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