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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What's going on here?

We've all heard Marines say - in the 'old' Marine Corps....  well as a family member I'm starting to say the same.   The changes that are being noticed from the family side are startling and, in a lot of ways, quite upsetting.   It's nothing to do with the military side of things - oh no it has to do with the what's happening in groups across the Internet.    Unprecedented access to information all across the Internet.  Face Book acting as a gateway to others in a gazillion support groups.  A lot of information - not too much worry about the validity of it.    A lot of opinions, but few facts  and .... a lot of not understanding, respecting and bothering to learn about the USMC.   

It's become a free for all in many cases, people searching 'boot camp' and bam; you have your choice of a smorgasbord of groups to join.   Join one, join 5 - the more the merrier it seems!   In those groups are people who are chatting away, answering questions very often from an anecdotal point of view - rarely do you find a factual one.   "I asked MY Marine" ... yeah well your Marine has had 3 months experience and ONLY his experience - how does he know what is supposed to be?   All he knows is what was during his time.   Then the instant know it alls - I mean really!  Everyone is in a position to dispense advice and information after 3 months or 5 months of being in a Face Book group aren't they?   You can take it to the bank that most times they are not.   It's been  noted by many 'old timers'  that some of the seriousness which they approached their son/daughters enlistment and subsequent leaving for boot camp training is not as prevalent now,  it's like a big old party to see who can get away with what instead of learning that it's not what WE want to do and try to do it's all about coloring within the lines the USMC has laid out.   I hear way too often well it's MY CHILD and I can do what I want.    Um no - it's your adult child who is know answering to a higher power and that one trumps you most of the time.    What often gets lost is the warnings from those in the know, that pushing your agenda will not only have an adverse effect on your relationship BUT can also have a blow back effect on your Marine.   By then it's too late, your kid's in a world of hurt answering for your mistakes.   People listen please!!  No one here is looking to spoil your fun - but at the end of it all it's serious business and needs to be treated that way.    We all blow off steam and are silly but the overstepping is out of hand.     

I've had some people opine that 5,6,7 years ago when a recruit shipped off to boot camp it was pretty much with a guarantee that they'd see a combat deployment at least 1 time, if not more, during their first enlistment.  That was regardless of their MOS - if they were infantry you knew 2 or more were in the future.    That is no longer hanging over the heads of families when their recruits ship.  Oh sure there are events happening throughout the world but there are no longer a constant rotation of young men and women rotating in and out of Afghanistan.   Maybe the absence of that sheer terror factor is what has caused people to not 'get it' ...  They worry about phone calls and face time, about RA and back ups - not it seems understanding that the more phone calls / face time the less time spent training.    The more time they spend in the USMC atmosphere, even with MOS back ups, the better off they are.  RA is great but a new Marine will keep his focus on what he's learned and lived much more easily if he stays within the structure.  Oh yes, we miss them, of course we do but again... what may be better for us is not necessarily better for them.  They are gone from home, one foot at home and one in a base is no way to get moving forward.   They along with us have to make that break, understand that for the next few years at least - home is vacation and base is home.  Hard concept that eases a lot of pain later. 

This is a rant, it has no real beginning or end - I may be finished, I may be back to add more but all I know is for your sakes and your service members.   Respect the institution and play by their rules.   You'll be happier in the long run. 


  1. Love it Randi, you said what I think when I read some of the posts. Like you I knew my Marine, going in as Infantry back at the end of 2008 that we would see at least 2 deployments to Azzcrapistan. We knew enough that we didn't interfere with what our Marine was going through, they had to just be a Marine and take it..

  2. Well everything use to be on a need to know bases and sometimes there was a "Mom there are some things you just don't need to know" As usual Love and respect you Randi more than you will ever know !


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