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Saturday, May 21, 2011

The OpSec Police.

  We all know them, we've probably been called out by them at some point.   That person connected to your unit that takes OpSec as their personal crusade and seems to scour the Internet, face book usually, so they can pounce on what they deem to be a violation.   Now do people post info that they shouldn't? absolutely - should they be called out publicly on it? In my mind - no.  No one responds well to a public rebuke or attack.   Some people honestly just don't know ,  some get excited and forget,  some just need a little education and yeah some feel that it's their God given right to say what they want , when they want, how they want - after all isn't that what their Marine is fighting for? Before I get a public flogging - no I do NOT agree with the last example but those people are out there.

Being involved with many Marine family groups and friends with a lot of Marine moms, dads,spouses and assorted family members brings knowledge to all of us that is not usually known to the general public.   We know of units coming and going, deployments moved up or locations changed.  We know from talking to a friend, that a unit is going somewhere that isn't mentioned in the media.  We read newspapers, the Internet, listen to radio shows, watch TV and hear things that don't always jive with what we know is happening.

How to reconcile what we know is going on with what we hear is going on - worst yet, since the info we're privy to is supposed to be secure, we can't talk about it.   Where is the line that crosses our right to speak and live freely crossed over with OpSec (Operational security)?  When is OpSec taken too far or not taken seriously enough and - really - what is OpSec ?
In truth, as a family member we're not under any obligation ( other then the desire to keep our loved ones safe) to practice OpSec.   Who decides what and how a family member should practice it?  The OpSec guidelines for families is different then the OpSec rules and regs under the current MARADMIN  that our Marines have to follow.

We are told do not discuss current or future destinations, dates or times of troop movements, yet, pick up a news paper and there it is in black and white - a list of what units going where and when ( not an exact date but usually close enough!).  Now, how is it that WE are held to this very high standard but simultaneously that same info is published in the news? How is it not completely confusing for everyone concerned and really - why is it published anywhere?

A few months ago there was a heated debate on the subject on a face book page that belongs to a group of embedded reporters.  It degenerated to some very nasty remarks being thrown at posters and really at the end of the debate, not much was resolved.

What to do and how to do it?  I'm not an OpSec expert and hope I don't fall into the category of Opsec Nazi but seriously folks - a little common sense goes a long way.

First , ask your service member how much  he/she would like you to post publicly about their business.  To me that's the single most important part that most people forget - it's not our life or our job it's our service members!  Let them set the boundaries and please listen to them.  I've heard Mom's state that their son's asked them not to post anything but they continue to because it's the Mom's "right" to vent her feelings and fears - which includes info about deployments.  That may not end well for the service member in question if their command gets wind of it.

 We have all seen the posts- "Please pray for my son as he heads out on a mission ".   Well now - is that in and of itself too much info? Of course not, but , scroll down the page a bit, I bet you'll find that said Marine is in x battalion, xx company, xxx squad and is at XXX FOB or city in 'stan.   So now the games changed a bit - there all in one place is all the info anyone needs to put together a full story.   Is it done maliciously or even intentionally  - of course not - but there it is and yeah the OpSec Police descend like locusts -

SO seriously - what guidelines should we follow?   Who should we listen to and when is it taken too far in the policing of the posts?
Here's how I see it -
#1 Before you call someone out on it - you best acquaint yourself with the official version of OpSec.   .
#2 Be smart, if you wonder, should I post this - this answer most likely is NO.
#3- If you see someone has put too much out there , don't post on their wall, take a minute, send a private message and don't attack, explain.  Think that possibly this person, incredible as it may seem, just doesn't know!
#4 - Listen to your service member and respect their wishes and opinions - remember that THEY are responsible for us and our actions, they have to answer for it and in my world, I'd never want to be the one that caused my Marine to get called in to get me under control.
#5 - When in doubt, just go with vague - it's perfectly OK to say , my Marine is in Afghanistan, he's doing fine and will be home soon.  NOT My Marine in 3/3 is in Now Zad  - they are hungry, hot, tired and just want to come home - he's coming home in March.  ( yes I've seen just that much info posted - of course not the exact info since I'm taking artistic license).
#6 - Be kind to each other, think of the mindset of the person posting and address them with respect.  We're all here to support, educate and HELP each other, not tear each other down.
#7 - Get in touch with your family readiness and let them handle it if you see someone out there that is obviously not clued into the rules.  Family Readiness has been through courses that have taught them how to deal with these situations in a non combative manner.

As for me, personally I err on the side of caution, I follow the OpSec guidelines laid out by family readiness - are they stricter then the official OpSec rules - yes - is that a problem for me? absolutely not!   But again that's what works for me. Everyone has to find their comfort zone and live within it - just remember - keep 'em safe please !  Someone you love is depending on it
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